Wild Turkeys

To find food, turkeys often kick up piles of leaves and dirt, pecking at the yummy insects left exposed. Madera Canyon, AZ.

Wing Waving

America’s quintessential duck, the mallard can be seen just about anywhere with a body of water. This fellow seems to be conducting an orchestra. Photographed near Lewisburg, PA, USA.

Wing Waving

America’s quintessential duck, the mallard can be seen just about anywhere with a body of water. This fellow seemed to be conducting an orchestra. Photographed near Lewisburg, PA, USA.

Wood Frog

A young wood frog, well camouflaged in his/her woodland habitat. Photographed in Bald Eagle State Forest, PA, USA

Woodpecker and the Squirrel

While on a hike the other day, I heard an unmistakable ruckus ahead. It was a group of acorn woodpeckers. These charismatic birds are funny both in appearance and behavior. They will form tribes which defend territory and cache sometimes thousands of acorns, each contained within it’s own tiny, perfectly-shaped hole of a dead tree. These food stores often sate them through lean times, such as winter. This particular family was in trouble, as a squirrel had discovered their larders. Every time the squirrel would attempt to pluck an acorn from it’s hole, he / she would get dive-bombed by alternating woodpeckers defending their food. The squirrel would sprint for an acorn and rush for cover (the crook of two tree limbs), attempting to evade the relentless birds. This went on for over 10 minutes before the squirrel, content and no doubt eager for stress reduction moved along and the woodpeckers inspected their losses.

Yarrow’s Spiny Lizard

The profile of a beautiful Yarrow’s Spiny Lizard. These common high-elevation lizards change their colors to absorb more/less heat and for camouflage. As the sky quickly became overcast, I watched this particular lizard immediately darken. Madera Canyon, AZ.

Yellow Dragon

This yellow dragonfly is one of the most striking I have yet to see. Tucson, AZ.

Yellow Dragon

This yellow dragonfly is one of the most striking I have yet to see. Tucson, AZ.

Yellow-Bellied Marmot

Allowing me to get absurdly close, this mama marmot must have really, really enjoyed having her pic taken! Grand Teton NP, Wyoming.