[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Biography” alignment=”left” el_class=”color-title accent-subtitle-color accent-border-color” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:34px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:44px;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:32px;” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:5px;” sub_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:25px;”]Mission Statement & Ethics[/ultimate_heading]

Hi, my name is Ian.  I’m a relatively recent Tucson transplant, having officially moved to the heart of the American Southwest on New Years day, 2019.  I spent the former years of life in small-town Pennsylvania.

Nature has been an important part of my life as far back as I can remember.  I spent most of my childhood traipsing through the woods, flipping logs and rocks in search of what most folks refer to as “creepy-crawlies.” When not outside, I was often sitting on the living room floor, idly paging through Audobon field guides, attempting to translate wildlife descriptions far above my reading level.

This interest continued through adulthood, eventually inspiring me to try my hand at reptile breeding. After several years of doing this, I eventually began to feel guilty about playing God, longing simply to see these beautiful creatures in their natural environments. During the course of working with such interesting animals, and spurred on by a few out-of-state camping trips, I did however become increasingly interested in photographing the creatures, plants, and stunning vistas that I encountered!

The photography began as just a means of documenting wildlife that I came across (exclusively as a hobby), but eventually evolved into an art.  As I traveled to more places, and saw more of the beautiful planet that we call Earth, this art quickly developed into an obsession.  I have now made it my mission not only to educate others on the value and beauty of all Mother Nature’s inhabitants, but to provide one of the most varied nature-photography portfolios you will encounter, striving every day to take sharper, more interesting pictures of the natural world.

In efforts to do so, however, I adhere to an important set of photography ethics. I am very careful to minimize the stress that my photography puts on all subjects by practicing extreme care to not damage or disturb habitats.  I am very frugal in the use of flash, having entirely abandoned its use in photographing nocturnal birds.  I avoid the use of bait for attracting any wildlife, and practice extreme care to not harm my smaller photography subjects.  None of the creatures photographed (including the little guys) are in captivity….No zoos, or pets.  These images are exclusively of wild creatures in their chosen habitats!

Most importantly, photography acts as a conduit through which to more deeply connect both myself and others to the beautiful, inspiring natural world, of which we are all a part.