Sonoran Sky
Light is everything, both in relevance to photography and day-to-day life. When searching the word "light," the first result is: "the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible."
We most often apply this word to an object that produces visible light, or that which allows our eyes to perceive the beautiful world around us. This word also, however, has a powerful metaphorical meaning. Light illuminates physical shadows as well as the pain many of us carry beneath the surface, from every past event we have not yet reconciled. When we introduce light (awareness) to the darkness of confusion, jealousy, rage, etc, we can dis-identify from the toxic feeling and become observers. We can watch the feelings come and go without being swept away by them. You are not your pain.
These pictures represent how quickly a scene can change based exclusively on a slight shift in light. They were taken just a few days ago as a storm gently graced Saguaro National Park with her life-sustaining moisture.