On many occasions, I have been asked “How do you find all of these incredible animals?” It’s really quite simple. For starters, place yourself in nature. Any vegetated habitat will have some creatures who call it home, the more intact the better! Next, engage all of your senses. Admittedly, this can be quite difficult if you’re surrounded by human noise. Connect to the area as deeply as possible. Listen to all the sounds, smell the fragrances, gently touch the plants (perhaps even feeling the earth beneath your feet), and of course, observe every tiny detail. Be as present as possible. Any obtrusive thoughts from elsewhere will sap your energy and only act as a distraction from the wonderful experience you are having. The more able you are to connect with the land without an agenda (and the longer you stay), the better to observe every living thing around.
This beautiful, tiny fellow is called a red-legged honeycreeper. Curi Cancha Reserve, Costa Rica.