Trio of Teal
Three cinnamon teal take flight as the waning light vanishes from water.

Cinnamon Teal
One of the most brilliant ducks to be encountered in the US, this shy species sometimes hesitates to allow for photos. This stunning drake, however, was remarkable accommodating!
Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Terrific Trio
This redheaded duck was such an ambitious dabbler, often retrieving half his body mass in aquatic vegetation. The following coot, entirely disinterested in a 2nd redhead drake, relentlessly pursued this fellow, attempting to rob his loot. Tucson, AZ

A Young Duo

Woody Wings

Wonderful Woodies

Morning Swim with the Family
A mother wood duck guides her family away from the shore, and perceived danger of my camera. This made for an adorable black/white shot! Wood ducks were once nearly extinct as a result of excessive hunting, particularly for "sport" and clothing fashion.
As a result of increased conservation and habitat restoration, they are slowly making a brilliant comeback! If you live anywhere within their breeding range, installing a nesting box along wetland habitat may be a small contribution to their recovery story!
Photographed at John Heintz NWR, PA, USA.
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Flying Flock
How many species can you see? Sometimes, it's not always ducks of a feather who stick together. Willcox, AZ.

Wood Duck Drake
In a surreal setting, a wood duck drake floats by in the early morning light. Wood ducks were once nearly extinct as a result of excessive hunting, particularly for "sport" and clothing fashion.
As a result of increased conservation and habitat restoration, they are slowly making a brilliant comeback! If you live anywhere within their breeding range, installing a nesting box along wetland habitat may be a small contribution to their recovery story!
Tucson, AZ.
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Glorious Goldeneyes
These beautiful ducks are known as barrow's goldeneyes. A first-time sighting for this fellow, they looked beyond magnificent in the early morning light. Yellowstone National Park, WY.
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In black and white, a gadwall furiously beats his wings. This is often perceived as a territorial display.
Tucson, AZ.
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Pied Grebe
When exhibiting the right facial expression, these adorable little divers can actually look quite sinister. Grebes spend much of their time underwater, hunting fish. They can disappear for obscenely long periods of time, sometimes emerging over 100 meters away, something I personally witnessed on a chilly winter day in the rural Pennsylvania. Pied grebe photographed in Tucson, AZ, USA.
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Mallard Flight
As this mallard duck drake flies toward me, his beautiful head coloration and the subtle water droplets on upon his chest are vividly displayed. Despite their relative abundance, mallard drakes (males) are absolutely stunning, especially when light accentuates the purples and blues on their lovely green heads. Photographed in Lewisburg, PA, USA.
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Dapper Drake
Well, aren't you a dapper drake, Mr Merganser! When living in PA, I can't even venture a guess at the number of hours I spent in the freezing cold, sitting in bird blinds at Montour Preserve just as the ice was beginning to thaw. I saw many stunning hooded mergansers but these spectacular ducks always kept their distance. They really are one of, if not my all time favorite species! With that in mind, ya'll can imagine the excitement when this handsome fellow shows up at a beautiful park just outside of Tucson! He was entirely unphased by humans and put on a number of wonderful shows during my 3 visits. Thank you so very much, Mr Merganser! Tucson, AZ.
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Wing Waving
America's quintessential duck, the mallard can be seen just about anywhere with a body of water. Despite their relative abundance, mallard drakes (males) are absolutely stunning, especially when light accentuates the purples and blues on their lovely green heads. This fellow seemed to be conducting an orchestra. Photographed near Lewisburg, PA, USA.
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Ringneck Raft
Bathed in the beautiful light of early morning, this raft of ringnecked ducks approaches my post. Virtually unedited, their color contrast to the soft glow on the water was surreal. Ringnecked ducks often travel in large flocks and will move across the water in unison, diving under to gobble aquatic vegetation. Tucson, AZ.

Dramatic Drake
A single eye peers over his wing as Mr Merganser dramatically flails his wings in the hope of drawing the attention from a hen. Unfortunately, there was not a single hooded merganser lady within sight! Tucson, AZ.
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Horned Grebe
A horned grebe drake, showing off his striking breeding plumage. Two of these handsome devils spent some time fishing directly in front of me. Grebes spend much of their time underwater, hunting fish. They can disappear for long periods of time, sometimes emerging over 100 meters away, something I personally witnessed on a chilly winter day. Photo taken at Montour Preserve, PA, USA.
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Northern Shoveler
Never be afraid of showing your beauty to the world! Northern shoveler drakes are downright stunning birds, especially when they spread the wings wide and show off the brilliant colors! Named for their vast bill, thse ducks routinely "shovel" the wetland floor in search of aquatic plants and other food items. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Diving and Dabbling

Light and Shadow

Resplendent Redhead

Ringneck Trio
As the lingering light begins to disappear, three ringnecked ducks float by. I've always found their name rather comical, considering the ring is around their beaks rather than necks! Perhaps "ring-billed" might be more appropriate? Phoenix, AZ.
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Dazzling Ducks
Bathed in the beautiful light of early morning, this raft of ringnecked ducks approaches my post. Virtually unedited, their color contrast to the soft glow on the water was surreal. Ringnecked ducks often travel in large flocks and will move across the water in unison, diving under to gobble aquatic vegetation. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Golden Sunrise
A raft of american wigeons floated atop the water just as dawn light began to grace the landscape with her golden glow. Willcox, AZ.

Ruddy Ducks
No colors have been altered in the representation of this group of ruddy ducks. Just after sunset, the colors gracing their watery home are unreal! Willcox, AZ

Dawn Ducks
A raft of american wigeons floated atop the water just as dawn light began to grace the landscape with her golden glow. Willcox, AZ.

Mr Merganser
Right before springing into the air with furious territorial wing flaps, a hooded merganser will flare out his beautiful crest. This drake had no reservations about making his presence known, but lacked any fellow ducks in his audience. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!.

Melodramatic Merganser
When I inquired about the size of his recent fish catch, Mr. Merganser replied by gesturing "this big" with his wings! Hooded mergansers are wonderful fisher ducks that can stay underwater for a fair span of time while pursuing hapless fish. Their thin, serrated bills help to capture and constrain food. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Stillness is not a time or place. It does not come from any external situation. Stillness is a state of mind, a place of joy and peace. Over the last few years, it has become the most important intention within my life (and a grand struggle, you can be assured). This stunning hooded merganser drake, floating peacefully across the serene water is (at these moments, anyway) the embodiment of stillness to me. What thoughts or images come to mind when you imagine stillness? Tucson, AZ.
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Trio of Teal
Three cinnamon teal take flight as the waning light vanishes from water.

Cinnamon Teal
One of the most brilliant ducks to be encountered in the US, this shy species sometimes hesitates to allow for photos. This stunning drake, however, was remarkable accommodating!
Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Terrific Trio
This redheaded duck was such an ambitious dabbler, often retrieving half his body mass in aquatic vegetation. The following coot, entirely disinterested in a 2nd redhead drake, relentlessly pursued this fellow, attempting to rob his loot. Tucson, AZ

A Young Duo

Woody Wings

Wonderful Woodies

Morning Swim with the Family
A mother wood duck guides her family away from the shore, and perceived danger of my camera. This made for an adorable black/white shot! Wood ducks were once nearly extinct as a result of excessive hunting, particularly for "sport" and clothing fashion.
As a result of increased conservation and habitat restoration, they are slowly making a brilliant comeback! If you live anywhere within their breeding range, installing a nesting box along wetland habitat may be a small contribution to their recovery story!
Photographed at John Heintz NWR, PA, USA.
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Flying Flock
How many species can you see? Sometimes, it's not always ducks of a feather who stick together. Willcox, AZ.

Wood Duck Drake
In a surreal setting, a wood duck drake floats by in the early morning light. Wood ducks were once nearly extinct as a result of excessive hunting, particularly for "sport" and clothing fashion.
As a result of increased conservation and habitat restoration, they are slowly making a brilliant comeback! If you live anywhere within their breeding range, installing a nesting box along wetland habitat may be a small contribution to their recovery story!
Tucson, AZ.
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Glorious Goldeneyes
These beautiful ducks are known as barrow's goldeneyes. A first-time sighting for this fellow, they looked beyond magnificent in the early morning light. Yellowstone National Park, WY.
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In black and white, a gadwall furiously beats his wings. This is often perceived as a territorial display.
Tucson, AZ.
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Pied Grebe
When exhibiting the right facial expression, these adorable little divers can actually look quite sinister. Grebes spend much of their time underwater, hunting fish. They can disappear for obscenely long periods of time, sometimes emerging over 100 meters away, something I personally witnessed on a chilly winter day in the rural Pennsylvania. Pied grebe photographed in Tucson, AZ, USA.
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Mallard Flight
As this mallard duck drake flies toward me, his beautiful head coloration and the subtle water droplets on upon his chest are vividly displayed. Despite their relative abundance, mallard drakes (males) are absolutely stunning, especially when light accentuates the purples and blues on their lovely green heads. Photographed in Lewisburg, PA, USA.
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Dapper Drake
Well, aren't you a dapper drake, Mr Merganser! When living in PA, I can't even venture a guess at the number of hours I spent in the freezing cold, sitting in bird blinds at Montour Preserve just as the ice was beginning to thaw. I saw many stunning hooded mergansers but these spectacular ducks always kept their distance. They really are one of, if not my all time favorite species! With that in mind, ya'll can imagine the excitement when this handsome fellow shows up at a beautiful park just outside of Tucson! He was entirely unphased by humans and put on a number of wonderful shows during my 3 visits. Thank you so very much, Mr Merganser! Tucson, AZ.
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Wing Waving
America's quintessential duck, the mallard can be seen just about anywhere with a body of water. Despite their relative abundance, mallard drakes (males) are absolutely stunning, especially when light accentuates the purples and blues on their lovely green heads. This fellow seemed to be conducting an orchestra. Photographed near Lewisburg, PA, USA.
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Ringneck Raft
Bathed in the beautiful light of early morning, this raft of ringnecked ducks approaches my post. Virtually unedited, their color contrast to the soft glow on the water was surreal. Ringnecked ducks often travel in large flocks and will move across the water in unison, diving under to gobble aquatic vegetation. Tucson, AZ.

Dramatic Drake
A single eye peers over his wing as Mr Merganser dramatically flails his wings in the hope of drawing the attention from a hen. Unfortunately, there was not a single hooded merganser lady within sight! Tucson, AZ.
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Horned Grebe
A horned grebe drake, showing off his striking breeding plumage. Two of these handsome devils spent some time fishing directly in front of me. Grebes spend much of their time underwater, hunting fish. They can disappear for long periods of time, sometimes emerging over 100 meters away, something I personally witnessed on a chilly winter day. Photo taken at Montour Preserve, PA, USA.
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Northern Shoveler
Never be afraid of showing your beauty to the world! Northern shoveler drakes are downright stunning birds, especially when they spread the wings wide and show off the brilliant colors! Named for their vast bill, thse ducks routinely "shovel" the wetland floor in search of aquatic plants and other food items. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Diving and Dabbling

Light and Shadow

Resplendent Redhead

Ringneck Trio
As the lingering light begins to disappear, three ringnecked ducks float by. I've always found their name rather comical, considering the ring is around their beaks rather than necks! Perhaps "ring-billed" might be more appropriate? Phoenix, AZ.
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Dazzling Ducks
Bathed in the beautiful light of early morning, this raft of ringnecked ducks approaches my post. Virtually unedited, their color contrast to the soft glow on the water was surreal. Ringnecked ducks often travel in large flocks and will move across the water in unison, diving under to gobble aquatic vegetation. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Golden Sunrise
A raft of american wigeons floated atop the water just as dawn light began to grace the landscape with her golden glow. Willcox, AZ.

Ruddy Ducks
No colors have been altered in the representation of this group of ruddy ducks. Just after sunset, the colors gracing their watery home are unreal! Willcox, AZ

Dawn Ducks
A raft of american wigeons floated atop the water just as dawn light began to grace the landscape with her golden glow. Willcox, AZ.

Mr Merganser
Right before springing into the air with furious territorial wing flaps, a hooded merganser will flare out his beautiful crest. This drake had no reservations about making his presence known, but lacked any fellow ducks in his audience. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!.

Melodramatic Merganser
When I inquired about the size of his recent fish catch, Mr. Merganser replied by gesturing "this big" with his wings! Hooded mergansers are wonderful fisher ducks that can stay underwater for a fair span of time while pursuing hapless fish. Their thin, serrated bills help to capture and constrain food. Tucson, AZ. Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Stillness is not a time or place. It does not come from any external situation. Stillness is a state of mind, a place of joy and peace. Over the last few years, it has become the most important intention within my life (and a grand struggle, you can be assured). This stunning hooded merganser drake, floating peacefully across the serene water is (at these moments, anyway) the embodiment of stillness to me. What thoughts or images come to mind when you imagine stillness? Tucson, AZ.
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