Bighorn Harem
While searching for reptiles, I looked up to see this herd of desert bighorns watching from above. While leaving the area some time later, I looked back to see them perfectly posing atop this rock. Now estimated to only stand around 20,000 individuals, researchers place the original desert bighorn sheep population to have numbered over half a million. Their current numbers are actually a huge improvement over the 1960's, when there were only approximately 6,000 left. The population growth of these endangered mammals can largely be attributed to federal and state protections, in addition to strong reintroduction efforts.
SE Arizona. This picture is not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Mountain Goat
A stunning mountain goat crosses a snow drift before disappearing down the sheer side of a mountain face. What a magical creature! Although native to much of the Northern Rockies, mountain goats have recently been introduced to the Colorado rockies. They have since thrived at the higher elevations, but seem to be putting stress on neighboring bighorn sheep. Mountain goats tend to be more territorial, but climate change may be enough to hinder their habitat advance. It will be interesting to see how this drama plays out.
Mt. Evans, CO.
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Desert Bighorns
Now estimated to only stand around 20,000 individuals, researchers place the original desert bighorn sheep population to have numbered over half a million. Their current numbers are actually a huge improvement over the 1960's, when there were only approximately 6,000 left. The population growth of these endangered mammals can largely be attributed to federal and state protections, in addition to strong reintroduction efforts. Needless to say, just seeing these impressive creatures in the wild was an incredible experience. The novelty to watch and photograph them for several hours was extraordinary.
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Sheep Tongue
Have you ever had a sheep stick her tongue out at you? This was a first for me! The rocky mountain bighorn sheep was actively licking up road salt before this image was snapped. Mt Evans, CO.
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Old Man of the Mountain
Standing majestically, the mountain goat is surrounded by his rugged home. Although native to much of the Northern Rockies, mountain goats have recently been introduced to the Colorado rockies. They have since thrived at the higher elevations, but seem to be putting stress on neighboring bighorn sheep. Mountain goats tend to be more territorial, but climate change may be enough to hinder their habitat advance. It will be interesting to see how this drama plays out.
Mt Evans, CO. This picture is not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Ram on the Run
This young ram chases a ewe in whom he took an interest. After a time, he gave up and made a pass at another sheep.
Yellowstone Nat Park, WY.
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Mother and Baby
In a tender moment, baby javelina nuzzles her mama. Javelina aka collared peccary have abysmal eyesight, but a brilliant sense of smell. Thanks to their vision deficit, behaviour can be unpredictable, especially when babies are in tow, so always respect the space of these bizarre desert dwellers!
Tucson, AZ.
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Javelina Herd
I crouched down to snap some eye-level shots of this javelina herd (there were 10, total), admittedly getting a hair too close. Sitting approximately 20 feet away, I felt pretty content. Before long, however, one of the younger members of the group started getting curious, meandering steadily closer to me. I methodically backed up as he/she gained ground. The youngster was soon within an arm's length, at which point I decided to back up a bit faster. This startled the adventurous one, drawing the attention of several others who rushed in to protect their comrade. I bolted over a nearby fence and the javelina lost interest. Javelina aka collared peccary have abysmal eyesight, but a brilliant sense of smell. Their behaviour can be unpredictable, especially when babies are in tow, so always respect the space of these bizarre desert dwellers!
Catalina Foothills, AZ.
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Peccary Piglings
Yes, they are really called "piglings," even though javelina aren't really pigs. These tiny cuties were frolicking among and eating the fallen palo verde blossoms. Javelina aka collared peccary have abysmal eyesight, but a brilliant sense of smell. Thanks to their vision deficit, behaviour can be unpredictable, especially when babies are in tow, so always respect the space of these bizarre desert dwellers!
Catalina Foothills, AZ.
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Horses in a Haboob
Throughout the Southwestern US, there are several populations of wild horses. These majestic creatures are the descendants of releases from the early 1900's. This particular photo features a herd that roams the Tonto National Forest's Lower Salt River.
While watching these beautiful wild horses, a small haboob (dust storm) engulfed the valley. The camera gear was very displeased, and my skin was covered in layers of grime, but it was well worth the filth! Lower Salt River, AZ.
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Stallion and the Saguaro
Throughout the Southwestern US, there are several populations of wild horses. These majestic creatures are the descendants of releases from the early 1900's. After waiting and wishing for some time, this beautiful white stallion passes one of the healthiest-looking saguaros I've seen! One of the wild stallions was kind enough to walk in front of it soon before daylight had vanished.
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Salty Stallions
If you've never before seen horses fight, it is a vicious ordeal. They bite, kick, and chase each other, becoming completely oblivious to much of their surroundings. Spectators must be extremely careful around them when this is transpiring as it's quite easy to get trampled. These two stallions are engaged in a savage dispute.
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Bighorn Harem
While searching for reptiles, I looked up to see this herd of desert bighorns watching from above. While leaving the area some time later, I looked back to see them perfectly posing atop this rock. Now estimated to only stand around 20,000 individuals, researchers place the original desert bighorn sheep population to have numbered over half a million. Their current numbers are actually a huge improvement over the 1960's, when there were only approximately 6,000 left. The population growth of these endangered mammals can largely be attributed to federal and state protections, in addition to strong reintroduction efforts.
SE Arizona. This picture is not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Mountain Goat
A stunning mountain goat crosses a snow drift before disappearing down the sheer side of a mountain face. What a magical creature! Although native to much of the Northern Rockies, mountain goats have recently been introduced to the Colorado rockies. They have since thrived at the higher elevations, but seem to be putting stress on neighboring bighorn sheep. Mountain goats tend to be more territorial, but climate change may be enough to hinder their habitat advance. It will be interesting to see how this drama plays out.
Mt. Evans, CO.
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Desert Bighorns
Now estimated to only stand around 20,000 individuals, researchers place the original desert bighorn sheep population to have numbered over half a million. Their current numbers are actually a huge improvement over the 1960's, when there were only approximately 6,000 left. The population growth of these endangered mammals can largely be attributed to federal and state protections, in addition to strong reintroduction efforts. Needless to say, just seeing these impressive creatures in the wild was an incredible experience. The novelty to watch and photograph them for several hours was extraordinary.
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Sheep Tongue
Have you ever had a sheep stick her tongue out at you? This was a first for me! The rocky mountain bighorn sheep was actively licking up road salt before this image was snapped. Mt Evans, CO.
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Old Man of the Mountain
Standing majestically, the mountain goat is surrounded by his rugged home. Although native to much of the Northern Rockies, mountain goats have recently been introduced to the Colorado rockies. They have since thrived at the higher elevations, but seem to be putting stress on neighboring bighorn sheep. Mountain goats tend to be more territorial, but climate change may be enough to hinder their habitat advance. It will be interesting to see how this drama plays out.
Mt Evans, CO. This picture is not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!

Ram on the Run
This young ram chases a ewe in whom he took an interest. After a time, he gave up and made a pass at another sheep.
Yellowstone Nat Park, WY.
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Mother and Baby
In a tender moment, baby javelina nuzzles her mama. Javelina aka collared peccary have abysmal eyesight, but a brilliant sense of smell. Thanks to their vision deficit, behaviour can be unpredictable, especially when babies are in tow, so always respect the space of these bizarre desert dwellers!
Tucson, AZ.
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Javelina Herd
I crouched down to snap some eye-level shots of this javelina herd (there were 10, total), admittedly getting a hair too close. Sitting approximately 20 feet away, I felt pretty content. Before long, however, one of the younger members of the group started getting curious, meandering steadily closer to me. I methodically backed up as he/she gained ground. The youngster was soon within an arm's length, at which point I decided to back up a bit faster. This startled the adventurous one, drawing the attention of several others who rushed in to protect their comrade. I bolted over a nearby fence and the javelina lost interest. Javelina aka collared peccary have abysmal eyesight, but a brilliant sense of smell. Their behaviour can be unpredictable, especially when babies are in tow, so always respect the space of these bizarre desert dwellers!
Catalina Foothills, AZ.
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Peccary Piglings
Yes, they are really called "piglings," even though javelina aren't really pigs. These tiny cuties were frolicking among and eating the fallen palo verde blossoms. Javelina aka collared peccary have abysmal eyesight, but a brilliant sense of smell. Thanks to their vision deficit, behaviour can be unpredictable, especially when babies are in tow, so always respect the space of these bizarre desert dwellers!
Catalina Foothills, AZ.
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Horses in a Haboob
Throughout the Southwestern US, there are several populations of wild horses. These majestic creatures are the descendants of releases from the early 1900's. This particular photo features a herd that roams the Tonto National Forest's Lower Salt River.
While watching these beautiful wild horses, a small haboob (dust storm) engulfed the valley. The camera gear was very displeased, and my skin was covered in layers of grime, but it was well worth the filth! Lower Salt River, AZ.
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Stallion and the Saguaro
Throughout the Southwestern US, there are several populations of wild horses. These majestic creatures are the descendants of releases from the early 1900's. After waiting and wishing for some time, this beautiful white stallion passes one of the healthiest-looking saguaros I've seen! One of the wild stallions was kind enough to walk in front of it soon before daylight had vanished.
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Salty Stallions
If you've never before seen horses fight, it is a vicious ordeal. They bite, kick, and chase each other, becoming completely oblivious to much of their surroundings. Spectators must be extremely careful around them when this is transpiring as it's quite easy to get trampled. These two stallions are engaged in a savage dispute.
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