There are moments in life which transcend the physical experience, moments you are sure to carry through this journey of life to one day revisit on your death bed. Meeting this great grey owl was such an experience.
My dear friend, Matt and I were watching this ghost of the north from a great distance away in the bitter cold of early morning at the peak of Minnesota winter. The previous day had wrought an intense snow storm which had effectively suppressed nearly all wildlife activity within the bog. Being a mostly auditory hunter who relies on sound to catch voles deep beneath the snow, this great grey had likely not eaten in a good while.
The owl was mostly stationary but would periodically swap perches among the distant trees. After some time and heavily-motivated by fingers and toes that had lost all sensation, Matt and I decided to move along. We explored a small portion of the bogs’ 300 square miles, returning after an hour or two. The great grey was still out and about, this time much closer to the road!
Several photographers and birders had gathered to watch this regal predator. The temperatures had now climbed to a delightful -20 F. Before long, our small band had mostly departed. A Lakota American Indian fellow with whom Matt and I had been chatting, however, suggested what we wait just a few more minutes. This fellow had a beautiful, calm presence that made one feel immediately at ease.
Despite rapidly-renumbing digits, the three of us sat in the snow and watched. Only a few minutes passed before this beautiful creature, seemingly out of nowhere, flew toward us and landed atop a small tree perhaps 40 feet away. When he / she looked straight into my eyes, it felt as I was looking into the face of God. The gaze of this sentient creature penetrated my soul. For a few minutes every construct of humanity was forgotten and I found myself truly alive in a state of pure presence.
Reflecting on the transcendent experience even now, the rawest feelings of joy surface in such a way that I feel nearly compelled to break down in tears. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Prints of this image are not currently available for sale. Please check back for future availability!