More Lovely Lizards

Cold-blooded but rarely clammy, reptiles are represented by such models as turtles, snakes, crocodilians, and lizards.  When watching a large iguana basking on a rock, it’s easy to see the dinosaur ancestry (despite the types of changes that result from millions of years of evolution).  Alligators and crocodiles, on the other hand, are nearly pristine…


Closely-related to reptiles, the amphibian class includes frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.  Contrary to their reptile kin, amphibians tend to have slimy skin and favor cooler areas, generally away from direct sunlight.  Amphibians can be found on every continent of the world, aside from Antarctica.  The biodiversity is, by far, the heaviest in tropical rainforests,…


As far as wildlife goes, insects are surely the backbone of the natural world.  They provide the majority of plant pollination that occurs, they are the main source of food for an untold number of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids.  Insects help to decompose waste materials.  They fly, crawl, and swim.  There are estimated…

Plants & Flowers

Generally speaking, plants derive their energy from the sun, which allows them to undergo photosynthesis and produce chlorophyll, which is the lifeblood of most plants. From flowering succulents, to tall trees, and spring wildflowers, this album covers many delicate (as well as some not-so-delicate) plants.


Raptors, the fearsome, majestic aerial predators are not only exciting to see, but they provide an invaluable ecological service.  For a large portion of nature’s rodent control services, we have none other than these candidates to thank.  Much folklore especially surrounds the owls, in particular.  These mysterious creatures will largely be the focus of this…


Photography is all about capturing a moment in time.  When it comes to landscape photography, however, it’s not just any moment….it should be the most flattering moment possible for the scene in question.  Whether that entails a thick layer of fog, a magnificent sunrise, or unusual weather, mother nature is the true artist.  My camera…

Butterflies & Moths

The notion of such such a bizarre (and occasionally creepy) life form as a caterpillar morphing into something as beautiful and elegant as a butterfly is perhaps one of life’s greatest paradoxes.  While butterflies, being such flamboyant creatures of the sun, receive such attention, moths, their cousins from a world of (mostly) darkness and mystery…