[ultimate_heading alignment=”left” el_class=”album-description”]This album encompasses, cranes, herons, egrets, and their kin.  Making few exceptions (such as the great blue heron’s occasional proclivity for hunting rodents on land), wading birds generally spend their time in shallows or at water’s edge.  These birds are primarily carnivorous and use their beaks similarly to spears, snatching fish, frogs, and rodents as the hapless creatures pass within range.  Some wading birds, such as the tiny, green heron, use small sticks or insects as fish bait, while others actually mimic the plants around them, gently swaying their bodies amidst gusts of wind.  The life of these birds revolves almost entirely around waterways, and those waterways need to be healthy for their survival.  A healthy stream, lake, or pond isn’t exclusively characterized by the presence of fish.  It encompasses relatively unpolluted water, nearby trees, and native, waterside vegetation.  A pond or lake in which humans routinely remove or trim these plants is virtually useless to many of the magnificent wading birds.  If you appreciate herons, egrets, and cranes, please be considerate of their homes and allow waterways to remain natural.  You may be enchanted by the visitors![/ultimate_heading]